Ripley Town Council Committees
We have various Committees that meet regularly to discuss local matters relating to their purpose. No decisions can be made at these meetings, however they can put recommendations to full council which are either approved or disapproved at the monthly Council meetings.
Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings. You can either watch and observe what's being duscussed, or you can join in during the Public Speaking section of the agenda and speak about a local matter relating to the nature of the Committee.
A list of the dates that Committee meetings are taking place, along with the agenda and minutes can be found by clicking below.
Allotment Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet annually (or as otherwise agreed) to make recommendations to Full Council on the management and supervision of Allotments and associated matters of the five allotment sites.
Councillors on this Committee
Mayor - Councillor Lyndsay Cox (Chair)
Deputy Mayor - Councillor Colin Bailey
Councillor Steve Freeborn
Councillor Phyllis Weaving
Councillor Sean Carter
Certificate of Merit Committee
Terms of Reference
To make recommendations to Full Council regarding the Annual Certificate of Merit winner, having considered the nominations submitted following the public advertisement.
Councillors on this Committee
Mayor – Councillor Lyndsay Cox (Chair)
Deputy Mayor – Councillor Colin Bailey
Councillor Khesta Somers
Councillor Sean Carter
Independent person
Employment Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet monthly (or as otherwise agreed) to monitor and manage all employment matters on behalf of the Town Council including policies, procedures and performance.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Mick Wilson (Chair)
Councillor Paul Lobley BEM
Councillor Steve Freeborn
Councillor Matt Allwood
Councillor Kevin Smith
Councillor Ron Ashton
Environment & Regeneration Committee
To meet monthly (or as otherwise agreed) to help develop good environmental policies and practices, and also economic (and environmental) regeneration initiatives throughout the Township, making recommendations to Full Council about its own environmental policies and practices and regeneration initiatives.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Matt Allwood (Chair)
Councillor Roland Emmas-Williams
Councillor Martin Hawkins
Councillor Phyllis Weaving
Councillor Steve Freeborn
Councillor David Williams
Councillor Nigel Weaving
Councillor Ron Ashton
Events Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet monthly (or as otherwise agreed) to monitor and manage all arrangements for events organised by the Town Council.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Tony Holmes (Chair)
Councillor Axl Nicholls
Councillor Colin Bailey
Councillor Phyllis Weaving
Councillor Lyndsay Cox
Councillor Amina Burslem
Councillor Martin Hawkins
Councillor Paul Moss
Finance Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet monthly (or as otherwise agreed) to manage all financial and administrative matters on behalf of the Town Council, including the placing of contracts up to a value of £5,000.00, the monitoring of income and expenditure and to make recommendations for budget / precept setting.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Paul Lobley BEM (Chair)
Councillor Lyndsay Cox
Councillor Steve Freeborn
Councillor Tony Holmes
Councillor Matt Allwood
Councillor Nigel Weaving
Councillor David Williams
Councillor Ron Ashton
Heritage Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet every three months to discuss heritage of the township and make recommendations to Full Council.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Roland Emmas-Williams (Chair)
Councillor Martin Hawkins
Councillor Steve Freeborn
Councillor Nigel Weaving
Councillor David Williams
Councillor Kevin Smith
Councillor Amina Burslem
Councillor Ron Ashton
Planning Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet monthly to discuss Planning Applications for the Township submitted to Amber Valley Borough Council in the previous month. The Committee is mandated to submit responses on behalf of the Town Council to the Planning Authority in respect of all Planning Applications and associated matters.
Councillors on this Committee
Councillor Steve Freeborn (Chair)
Councillor Khesta Somers
Councillor Nigel Weaving
Councillor David Williams
Councillor Martin Hawkins
Councillor TBC
Councillor TBC
Financial Grants Panel
Terms of Reference
To meet yearly and as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on the allocation of grants within the approved budget for the year. (Note, this budget excludes £5k Ripley Music Festival and £3k to Amber Sound FM, and £750 to each of the Ambergate, Butterley and Marehay Cricket Clubs, and Ripley Town Football Club.
Councillors on this Panel
Mayor - Councillor Lyndsay Cox (Chair)
Deputy Mayor - Councillor Colin Bailey
Councillor Tony Holmes
Councillor Phyllis Weaving
Councillor Paul Lobley BEM
Councillor David Williams
Councillor Ron Ashton
Representatives to outside bodies
Ripley & District Heritage Trust - Cllr Hawkins
Ripley & District Town Twinning Association - Cllr Emmas-Williams
Waingroves Community Association - Cllr Williams
Heage Windmill Society - Cllr N Weaving and Cllr Burslem
Amber Valley Access - Cllr Freeborn and Cllr Bailey
Police Town Liaison meetings - Cllr Burslem
William Holmes Almshouses - Cllr Emmas-Williams and Mr. Ian Fisher until 2026.
Amber Valley Parish Liaision Committee - Cllr Williams
Derwent Valley Mills Partnership - Cllr Somers
Derwent Valley Line Community Rail Partnership - Cllr N Weaving
Ripley Town Centre Traders Forum - Cllr Jones
Butterley Ironworks Trust - Cllr Freeborn & Cllr Burslem
Derbyshire Law Centre - Cllr Wilson
Policy & Management Committee
Terms of Reference
To meet monthly to make recommendations to full council regarding the development, monitoring, coordinating and management of the delivery of the council's policies.
Councillors on this committee:
Councillor Steve Freeborn (Chair)
Councillor Roland Emmas-Williams
Councillor Paul Lobley BEM
Councillor Tony Holmes
Councillor Matt Allwood
Councillor Mick Wilson
Councillor Ron Ashton